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████    重点词汇
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[学习本文需要基础词汇量:4,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:3,000 ]

Bajie didn't know Guanyin was really Red Boy in disguise.

"The Tang Monk is in trouble," said the pig to the fake Guanyin.

"A demon named Red Boy is planning to eat him.

Can you help us?"

"Of course," said the fake Guanyin.

"I know Red Boy.

He's very nice.

I doubt he'll harm the Tang Monk.

Let's go to Red Boy's cave and talk to him."

Bajie and the fake Guanyin flew to Red Boy's cave.

Bajie went in first.

Red Boy returned to his normal appearance [n@and then sneaked up behind Bajie.

He threw a sack over the pig.

"Hey, what's going on?" shouted Bajie.

"I'm not Guanyin, you fool!"

The demon laughed.

"I'm Red Boy!

And now you're trapped!"

The demon locked Bajie in a room.

"Why isn't Bajie back yet?" asked Wujing.

Wukong frowned. "He probably stopped to take a nap.

That pig is so lazy."

Wujing nodded. "Yes, he's very lazy.

What should we do now?"

"I'm going to sneak into Red Boy's cave," said Wukong.

"I want to make sure the Tang Monk is still alive.

Then I'll go to Guanyin myself."

The monkey turned himself into a bee and flew up the mountain.

He slipped through the cave door and flew down a long tunnel.

Soon he heard the Tang Monk crying.

"Master is scared," thought Wukong.

"But at least he's still alive."

The monkey then heard a shout.

It was Bajie. "You filthy demon!

How dare you make yourself look like Guanyin and fool me!"

"Aha!" thought Wukong. "Bajie didn't take a nap after all.

I must go to the real Guanyin right away."

The monkey flew out of the cave and told Wujing what he'd just learned.

Then he jumped onto a cloud and headed south.

He found Guanyin in her pagoda.

"Wukong, why are you here?" asked Guanyin.

"We have a problem, Bodhisattva," said the monkey.

"The Tang Monk was caught by a demon named Red Boy.

The demon makes magic fire that water can't put out.

Bajie was on his way here to ask for your help.

But the demon made himself look like you and tricked the pig."

Guanyin's face burned with anger.

"How dare that demon make himself look like me!"

The bodhisattva grabbed a vase and stormed outside.

She threw the vase down into the ocean, where it sank beneath the waves.

Wukong gasped. "That vase was a Buddhist treasure!

Why did you throw it away?"

Guanyin didn't answer.

A minute later the water rumbled.

The vase reappeared.

It was atop the shell of a giant turtle.

The turtle came onto the shore and bowed its head.

"Go down and get the vase, Wukong," said Guanyin.

The monkey ran down the mountain and tried to pick up the vase.

"Grr!" Wukong grunted and used all of his strength.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't lift the vase at all.

"Bodhisattva!" he called. "I don't understand.

It's just a small vase, but I can't lift it!"

Guanyin came down the mountain.

"That vase just traveled around the world, through all the oceans and rivers.

It now holds an ocean's worth of water—magic water.

The water will put out Red Boy's fire."

Guanyin picked up the vase with one hand.

She held up her other hand, and several swords appeared.

She waved them, and they turned into a large lotus platform.

"I have what I need now," said Guanyin. "Let's go."


pig [pɪg] n. 猪;猪肉 vi. 生小猪;像猪一样过活 n. 警察(俚语,带有攻击性) {zk gk cet4 ky :3014}

tricked [trikt] n. 诡计;恶作剧;窍门;花招;骗局;欺诈 vt. 欺骗;哄骗;装饰;打扮 vi. 哄骗;戏弄 adj. 特技的;欺诈的;有决窍的 n. (Trick)人名;(英)特里克 { :3068}

harm [hɑ:m] n. 伤害;损害 vt. 伤害;危害;损害 n. (Harm)人名;(德)哈尔姆 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3189}

dare [deə(r)] n. 挑战;挑动 vt. 敢冒;不惧 vi. 敢;胆敢 n. (Dare)人名;(英)戴尔;(意)达雷 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky :3210}

shore [ʃɔ:(r)] n. 海滨;支柱 vt. 支撑,使稳住;用支柱撑住 n. (Shore)人名;(英)肖尔 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :3244}

trapped [træpt] adj. 捕获的;陷入困境的;收集的;受到限制的 vt. 诱捕(trap的过去分词) { :3373}

magic [ˈmædʒɪk] n. 巫术;魔法;戏法 adj. 不可思议的;有魔力的;魔术的 n. (Magic)人名;(英)马吉克 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :3411}

cave [keɪv] n. 洞穴,窑洞 vi. 凹陷,塌落;投降 vt. 使凹陷,使塌落;在…挖洞穴 n. (Cave)人名;(西)卡韦;(英)凯夫;(法)卡夫 {gk cet4 cet6 ky ielts :3562}

fool [fu:l] n. 傻瓜;愚人;受骗者 vt. 欺骗,愚弄 adj. 傻的 vi. 欺骗;开玩笑;戏弄 {gk cet4 ky :3660}

swords [sɔ:dz] n. 宝剑(sword的复数) n. (Swords)人名;(英)索兹 { :3675}

frowned [fraund] v. 皱眉;用皱眉蹙额表示不满(frown的过去分词) { :3759}

treasure [ˈtreʒə(r)] n. 财富,财产;财宝;珍品 vt. 珍爱;珍藏 n. (Treasure)人名;(英)特雷热 {zk gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl :4074}

bowed [bəʊd] adj. 有弓的;弯如弓的 { :4098}

bee [bi:] n. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤劳的人 n. (Bee)人名;(赤几)贝埃;(东南亚国家华语)美;(英)比(女子教名Beatrix和Beatrice的昵称) {zk gk cet4 ky :4247}

sack [sæk] n. 麻布袋;洗劫 vt. 解雇;把……装入袋;劫掠 n. (Sack)人名;(英、法、葡、瑞典)萨克;(德)扎克 {cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :4467}

sneaked [sni:kt] v. 潜行( sneak的过去式和过去分词 ); 偷偷溜走; (儿童向成人)打小报告; 告状 { :4557}

sneak [sni:k] n. 鬼鬼祟祟的人;偷偷摸摸的行为;告密者 adj. 暗中进行的 vi. 溜;鬼鬼祟祟做事;向老师打小报告 vt. 偷偷地做;偷偷取得 {cet6 ky toefl :4557}

monkey [ˈmʌŋki] n. 猴子;顽童 vi. 胡闹;捣蛋 vt. 嘲弄 {zk gk cet4 ky :4558}

atop [əˈtɒp] prep. 在…的顶上 adv. 在顶上 { :4600}

monk [mʌŋk] n. 僧侣,修道士;和尚 n. (Monk)人名;(柬)蒙;(德、法、英)蒙克 {cet6 :4817}

fake [feɪk] n. 假货;骗子;假动作 adj. 伪造的 vt. 捏造;假装…的样子 vi. 假装;做假动作 n. (Fake)人名;(英)费克 {cet6 ky toefl ielts gre :5098}

gasped [ɡɑ:spt] 喘息 喘气 { :5196}

demon [ˈdi:mən] n. 恶魔;魔鬼;精力充沛的人;邪恶的事物 n. (Demon)人名;(塞)德蒙 { :5407}

disguise [dɪsˈgaɪz] n. 伪装;假装;用作伪装的东西 vt. 掩饰;假装;隐瞒 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts gre :5545}

lazy [ˈleɪzi] adj. 懒惰的;懒洋洋的;怠惰的;慢吞吞的 n. (Lazy)人名;(德)拉齐 {zk gk cet4 ky :6238}

lotus [ˈləʊtəs] n. 莲花(汽车品牌) { :6269}

turtle [ˈtɜ:tl] n. 龟,甲鱼;海龟 n. (Turtle)人名;(英)特特尔 {cet6 toefl :6490}

vase [vɑ:z] n. 瓶;花瓶 n. (Vase)人名;(塞、罗、芬)瓦塞 {gk cet4 cet6 ky :6555}

filthy [ˈfɪlθi] adj. 肮脏的;污秽的;猥亵的 {toefl :7085}

nap [næp] n. 小睡,打盹儿;细毛;孤注一掷 vt. 使拉毛 vi. 小睡;疏忽 n. (Nap)人名;(朝、越)纳 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :7438}

reappeared [ˌri:əˈpiəd] v. 再(出)现( reappear的过去式和过去分词 ) { :7580}

rumbled [ˈrʌmbld] v. 发出隆隆声,发出辘辘声( rumble的过去式和过去分词 ); 轰鸣着缓慢行进; 发现…的真相; 看穿(阴谋) { :8741}

Buddhist ['budist] n. 佛教徒 adj. 佛教的 {gk :8787}

grunted [ɡrʌntid] v. (猪等)作呼噜声( grunt的过去式和过去分词 ); (指人)发出类似的哼声; 咕哝着说 { :9288}

tang [tæŋ] n. 特性;强烈的味道;柄脚 vt. 使声尖锐;装刀柄于 vi. 发出铿锵声;发出当的一声 n. (Tang)人名;(柬、缅)当 { :15960}

traveled ['trævld] adj. 富有旅行经验的;旅客多的;旅客使用的 v. 旅行(travel的过去分词) { :22076}

pagoda [pəˈgəʊdə] n. (东方寺院的)宝塔;印度的旧金币 { :22429}

Bodhisattva [ˌbɒdɪ'sɑ:tvə] n. 菩萨 { :43176}

guanyin [ ] 观世音;观音

Wujing [ ] 物境

a giant [ ] [网络] 巨人;一个巨人;巨大的

how dare [ ] [网络] 怎么敢;这还了得;你怎敢

how dare you [ ] [网络] 你敢;你好大的胆子;你怎么敢

in disguise [ ] na. 假装的;伪装的 [网络] 乔装;假象;假扮

long tunnel [ ] 长隧道

Monkey Run [ ] [网络] 猴子快跑

sneak into [sni:k ˈɪntuː] v. 混入 [网络] 潜入;溜进;偷偷溜进

sneak up [sni:k ʌp] v. 偷偷走近 [网络] 悄悄地靠近;悄悄出现;突然接近

sneak up behind [ ] [网络] 过几天则是背著她偷偷地上

take a nap [ ] na. 睡午觉;打一个瞌睡 [网络] 小睡一下;打盹;打个盹

the Monkey [ ] [网络] 猴子;西游记;猕猴猴趣

the ocean [ ] [网络] 海洋;大海;赞大海

the shore [ ] [网络] 海岸;海滩;海岸图片

the turtle [ ] [网络] 海龟;乌龟;海龟人

to sneak [ ] [网络] 潜入

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
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